Following is a list of services that we provide for our customers:

Active Accounts Report
Contains an inventory of active accounts with status codes.
Account Analysis Report
Contains the number of accounts placed in a given month, collections made to these accounts, commissions paid, and the remaining accounts and balances.
Weekly & Monthly Collection Report
Contains account name, account number, amount collected, commission earned and current balance.

Account Management
The handling of consumer accounts requires accounts managers and attorneys accustomed to dealing with the individual in a polite business manner and understand the difficulties a wage earner has in the payment of obligations from a fixed or varied income. It is for this reason while collection form letters are of some value it requires individual contact, confirmation letters, conferences and individual meetings to resolve matters aside from the possibility of litigation.
Being in a position to recognize financial problems and unfounded disputes is required while dealing with cash the self employed or a wage earner. As well, legally trained personnel are able to narrow the issues in the overt dispute to whether there is any basis to their claim that might result in a counterclaim should suit be authorized. Collection activity is therefore maintained by personal contact and confirmation letters, faxes, courier services as to agreements and arrangements for payment.

Account Database
Due to the fact that an unsecured account is in direct competition with other demands being made on your debtor/customer by its collateralized creditors, it takes a consistent effort to maintain proper results. As it is certainly our intent to recover the largest amount possible in the shortest time available, our duty compels us to continue to make ongoing efforts for recovery over greater periods than the average agency. Our large database of accounts allows us to continually relocate parties that have been previously skips. Allowing paid out accounts to remain in the system updates new accounts as they come online on matters involving the same customer.
Should an account be deemed collectable through litigation, we will furnish the attorney of record. A request for litigation will be made to and upon approval, suit will be filed in the county of residence of the defendant. A thorough review of any litigation is made to determine if there has been any question or threat as to a possible counterclaim.

Performance Requirements and Guarantees to our Clients
- Reporting: (a) Current Open Inventory of referrals (broken down by month received) (b) Recovery reporting detailing specific accounts, volume, dollars, commission and month the account was referred. (c) Closed Account Reporting. (d) litigation or judgment.
- Payment on Recoveries: As required, monthly-weekly, gross or net, check or ACH.
- Tracking Accounts: Ability to respond in a timely fashion (24 hours) on the status of a particular referral.
- Performance Reviews/Audits: Willingness to have our clients perform periodic "audit checks" and performance reviews on specific accounts to ensure items are being addressed in a timely and accurate manner. On-site visits are encouraged.
- Single Contact: An Accounts manager and a back up will be responsible for all operational activities associated with the recoveries of cash for our clients. At a minimum this individual will be responsible for problem resolution and responding to all inquiries in a timely and accurate fashion.
- Cancellation: Agreement to use Williams and Williams and the associate law firm John C. Williams and Associates may be terminated without cause by our clients on Thirty (30) days prior written notice. All claims will be returned with the following exception: Matters in, accounts paying or with arrangements established.